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Cuyahoga Heights is a village in Cuyahoga County, Ohio,

United States.

Village of Cuyahoga Heights – Established in 1918

The Village of Cuyahoga Heights is a special place to live. It truly is a small town in the heart of the city.

Easy access north and south on I-77, and east and west on I-480.

6 miles south of downtown Cleveland.  You are only minutes away from great restaurants, the sports arenas and stadium, the Play House Square theaters, the Science Center, and the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame.

Residents Receive Excellent Services and Complementary Amenities:

·         Rescue squad services to local hospitals

·         Weekly rubbish and yard waste collection and recycling along with disposal of large items such as appliances and furniture

·         Sewer bills paid for each residence

·         Smoke alarms, as well as batteries once a year, to each residence

·         Notary services available at Village Hall

·         Various sport programs offered to our children

·         Visit from Santa to each home with young children prior to Christmas

Seniors (60 and Over) Enjoy:

·         Grass cutting

·         Snow plowing in driveways

·         Once a week bus service to grocery shopping

·         Once a year wellness visit clinic for EKG, blood work and flu shots

Other Services and Amenities:

·         Housing maintenance grant program – homeowners can receive up to $1,000 on exterior improvements to their home

·         Low taxes

·         Bacci Park, pavilions, baseball fields and fishing pond

Excellence in Education:  Cuyahoga Heights School System – Blue Ribbon School

Ohio & Erie Canal Reservations and Cleveland Metroparks:

·         Cleveland Metroparks Canal Way Center – walking, biking, running trails, picnic areas and year round planned activities in our beautiful “Hidden Valley.”

·         Biking on the Towpath Trail linked to the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.


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