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Madison, Ohio, located at the extreme eastern edge of Lake County, about an hour east of Cleveland, is a village of approximately 3000 residents. It is one of the areas originally settled by the early pioneers of the Connecticut Western Reserve. Today, the village boasts a charming town square, a historic theater, several bed and breakfast inns, and a relaxing, country atmosphere within an easy drive of the city.

Chalet Debonne is one of the largest and most diverse of Ohio’s eastern Lake Erie wineries. In business since 1916, it is the largest estate-bottled winery in Ohio. They are best known for their Riesling and Icewine, but also produce excellent Cabernet Franc and Chambourcin red wines.

The Rabbit Run Theater opened in Madison in 1946 and puts on dramatic plays and musical theater shows throughout the year. In addition to theatrical shows, the theater also offers classes for the community. Classes are available in dancing, theater, music, visual arts, and yoga.

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